Thursday, March 5, 2009


Do you guys know what does ‘A True Friendship’ means?
Do you guys know what should a true friend do to his/her friends?
Is it a true friendship essential in our life?
Is it a true friend similar to best friend?
Can somebody say that a true friendship is just helping each other when they are needed?
Some people might think a true friend should not hurt each other while having a conversation
Some might think that is weird to tell someone about the truth
Some might think that we should always lend our hands to them...
Or compromise them all the time no matter the person is willing or not
And some might think we shouldn’t tell them our secrets at all
Do you guys be of the same mind with those people?
For me, it’s not

First of all, this is my first blog
From the beginning, I’ve really no idea of what to write and how to begin it in the right way
About ‘A True Friendship’, I experienced before
This is why I started my first blog
I just wanna share with you guys and hear from you, too
A true friend is always hard to find- that’s true
It’s just a kind of ‘‘Miracle’’
We need them sometimes
Less fight, less anger are quite essential
The most essential things were telling them the truth
Have your true friend done it to you?

In my opinion, the ‘truth’ is just like an improvement
No matter how bad it is, it helps
Some people might angry their friends is because they thought that it shouldn’t happened among friends
Because it may hurt
Let’s try to think in another way
If they tell you as the crow flies, is it a better way before others knew it?
If they do so, is it better than they’re (Double Faces) saying you back things?
If they done it to you, are they a super duper wrong?
For me, is not

We should thank those guys who are giving us the bad comments
They are actually trying to correct us and to let us know more about us
Because we can’t see the real image of ourselves
Even I, myself, also can’t see it clearer
Sometimes we really need help

Have your friend correct you on every occasion you are in the wrong position?
Have your friend pull you up when you are in the wrong situation?
Just continuing asking yourself questions as much as you can
‘Double Faces’ is one of the points that I mentioned just now
BEST friend and GOOD friend are actually just a name to describe a friend
But for me it is not important at all to name it as ‘Best’ and ‘Good’
For me, ‘TRUE’ is always important

Not too long ago, I read an article called ‘How Many True Friend You Have?’
I agreed with one sentence ‘In this world, none of us can find more than six true friends’
It’s true
Can you count on it now?
How many friends that really telling you the truths from the bottom of their heart?
And how many people that you are telling them the truths?
For me, I just got only two friends that always point me and correct me
Of course I’ve to thank them with not treated me as ‘FAKE’.

A true friend is not necessary to have a lot
If you guys got a lot of peers, but they’re invented to you, is it fine?
So can you tell me how many peers of you are true (to you)?

Of course what I've been written here could be right and could be wrong
You can judge me anytime you want
No one can say that is right or wrong
It just depends on the situations
This is what I want to say
Hope you guys like it

Friendship isn’t how you forget, but how you forgive.
Not how you listen, but how you understand.
Not how you see, but how you feel.
Not how you let go, but how you hold on.


  1. I'm the 1st person who drop u comment~

  2. What la~
    Is it goood enough?
    Is not right?

  3. erm..i agree with u.. a true firend will point n correct u when u r doing wrong... because of these true friends u will noe where is ur bad habits and correct it .. a true friend also like a mirror which let us see the true and original u coz u cant see through urselves without a mirror , rite? but i think a true friend also will help u any things and anyelse in any time they will push u ,support u and let u more tough n stronger am i rite?.... to be continue.. joyce

  4. Overall,this arguement essay not bad.. haha..but no thesis statement ... need five paragraph... and at least 500 words ya ...hahha...okla ..i not ur te lecturer.. i cannot said ur writing is good or not.. coz i m not good in english ..u noe de..
    but i noe what u wan to tell us and i agree also.. i admire those people who got their true friend .. a true friend not easy to find . but i hope i will be ur true friend coz ... i hope i have a true friend also.. so nexttime when i shot u and talk ur bad habits to u directly(i won talk ur bad things behind u ..don worry).. don angry and blame me ah...hehe...joyce

  5. thanks but its not an essay la~
    hehex~ forget about the TE assignments and the argumentative essay
    is different actually

  6. erm..i agree with u...i quite love tis part..''We should thank those guys who are giving us the bad comments
    They are actually trying to correct us and to let us know more about us
    Because we can’t see the real of ourselves
    Even I, myself, also can’t see it clearer
    Sometimes we really need help.''hai~ keep it!! keep it!!

  7. thanks thanks~
    but the article too long already
    im scared later nobody wants to read it

  8. Hey...u said u wanted comments right?

    here are my honest ones:

    the fonts used are damn fucking u expect people to read it...
    I read a quarter and didn't finish it eventually...

    and the background color and font's very difficult to read...
    keep it simple such as using a plain light color backgound and dark color words...

    my suggestion is that u change ur theme or layout...

    overall...the post's nice...keep it up!!!

  9. thanks for the comment
    is it difficult to read?
    my friends also said the same thing to me
    i'll try to change
    thanks ya
    remember Wednesday

  10. nice design nice background n nice poem...
    kyo_zai here...ur english so good

  11. wah~ srprise to see you here
    thanks for the comment so so much
    i appreaciate it
    is this call poem??
    im not so sure
    anyway, thanks for the viewing

  12. overall is quite good...
    picture very nice
    but d poem below-true friend
    i really cant read...
    ^^ add oil ^^

  13. yalo..ur blog very long ler...quite bored...
    y u din write sumthing abt ur lifestyle in kl

  14. no matter how you are wrong and how people is criticize you, you still is my brother. Just follow your plan to go on your life. I will be the first supporter.

  15. hahaz~ thanks thanks.. is that ah meow?
